Outriders – Story Review

Over the weekend I finished the Outriders story play through. I have to say that this is one of the better game stories that I have played through in the last few years. It certainly provided a twist that I hadn’t necessarily anticipated as I hadn’t read anything about the game prior to playing.

Before reading further note that this review might spoil the story play for you. STOP HERE if you are hoping to be surprised or have the suspense of playing through yourself.

At the beginning I found some of the characters exceptionally irritating. To treat someone who just came out of stasis like they were troublesome and annoying seemed a bit harsh. Especially when the community lead was the one that shoved the Outrider into stasis in the first place, and then basically abandoned them.

On the flip side, I can completely see the reason for this as it appears that there have been many challenges faced by the settlers over the 31 years that the Outrider has been in stasis. How those skills could have been used, but were lost for multiple reasons.

That part of the story felt a little difficult to follow as I don’t know I would have been quite so agreeable to prove myself with that kind of treatment. I was forced into stasis and then left there (lost basically) only to be treated like a leech and someone that needed support. However, when people become jaded that is what usually happens and they don’t treat others quite as nicely.

The collection of comedy of errors is funny as you see some of the dynamic that the group had to deal with as things went from worse to worse. The animosity between the different characters and factions brings forward the lack of leadership (proper leadership) that impacted the settlers as they really shouldn’t have landed.

I was disappointed that certain characters didn’t get to reconcile differences, while those who really didn’t pull their weight got to be a part of the ending group. I really wanted to push Bailey into the glowing hole rather than letting her live. I hope there is some story left with this to clarify why Chana wanted her to live. UNLESS there is a love interest there that I missed.

Tiago, is a big loving teddy bear whos story gets a bit lost in the whole mess of things and kind of glossed over around what is going on with Bailey and the rush to the signal. While I thought his character was fairly tough at first, I later felt that he was a bit shallow and wimpy in how he couldn’t deal with any more, but then shows up to “save the day”.

I was saddened by the loss of Jacub, but kind of saw it coming when Chana hinted that he wasn’t in her vision of the final group. I liked his character and how he provided a bit of levity, or really acted like a pissed off old man against what was happening, but needed to make sure everyone got to where they needed to go.

The Doc is just weird. His constant curiosity paired with his concern for you life makes it a bit funny when he basically begs you to look into things, but also is concerned for your safety. “I would be interested in what you find… if you go”. Kind of a bit passive aggressive, but a push that the side quests to help to advance the story.

As you get closer to the end of the story it becomes clear that something happened that Jacub alludes to in the very beginning, that we were going to screw up this planet too. That our leaders were too greedy and self righteous to see that we should do better here. The how of the screwed up world is what was most interesting.

It is especially interesting when you learn that the Caravel made it to Enoch, when you have been told and shown that it exploded rather than even set off to explore. That they had even better technology can be seen as frustrating. That they caused the storms and most of the mutated creatures also makes the ending feel like justice.

Now, it’s about figuring out how to repair and control things, OR at least that’s what I anticipate. I haven’t started any of the Expeditions yet, so have nothing to say on that part of the story.

This has been one of the more enjoyable story based games I have played and finished in a bit, and I must say PYROMANCER FOR THE WIN!

I look forward to bringing up a few additional characters to see how they progress towards the end, but my first full play through was on a pyromancer. I will continue to stream and record progress. Follow me on Twitch or watch my videos on YouTube.

DAMN I didn’t record the end, so you have to play it yourself!!!!!

Published by Sabrina J. Adams-Schlag (Syryn TheVoice)

I have many different hats that I wear. Throughout my life I have been many different things: a small business owner, problem solver, mother, friend, sister, writer, designer, employee, manager, consultant, gamer, leader and many more buzz words that I can't think of. Many of these I still do, but some I have let go to focus more on the here and now. I like to share my experiences, ideas and funny things I run across. Ask me something and I will provide an honest and likely unfiltered opinion. I am still learning about life, myself, relationships, parenting and well everything else. I am not superwoman and don't really have my life together, but I manage and am willing to share my tips and learnings. Writing for me can be cathartic and sharing makes us not feel so alone in this crazy, mess of a world we currently inhabit.

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