Chapter Eight: Sy'ryn

“Mistress, we are going to be coming out of hyperspace,” the ships droid interrupted her meditations.

“Thank you,” she growled.

She had been successful in completing the mission that her Master had given her, but the success was not as she had envisioned it, and she suspected not what her Master would expect either.  The artifact had been much more than what he had described and contained much more than she had been expecting.  It had activated on her touch and given her much before disintegrating.  He would not be pleased with this result, but how was she to know that her touch would cause such a reaction.

She stood and stretched the kinks from her back and legs.  She had been meditating for many hours and her joints and muscles told the tale of just how long she had been in the same position.  The information and power shared needed to be meditated on, that much had been clear with the receipt of such power.  She now had the clarity of what her Master had intended.

The artifact had been well guarded, very well guarded.  The entity that had guarded it was no more, though its power and energy had been absorbed, along with all of its knowledge.  It was a particular skill she had, absorbing energy and power from those around her.  Something that had kept growing the further into the resting place for the artifact she had gone.  She felt stronger than she ever had, her skin tingled with the power she had obtained, but she forced it down.  No need to show how much she had changed before it was necessary.

The mission she believed had been intended to be her destruction.  Some Dark Lord’s became afraid of their Apprentices, in this case she believed that her Master had come to fear what she was to become.  He had not divulged his intent, but he would before she was finished with him.  She had learned all she could from him and now it was time to move on, the knowledge that she had been given by the artifact was old and greater than what any Master could have ever imparted.

She walked to the cockpit of her ship and sat down in the pilot’s seat.  The ship droid stood back against the wall waiting for instruction.  She was content to let it wait.  The controls flashed as they exited hyperspace into Hutta space.  She took a moment to look at the planet.  Nothing looked different from space, but you always wanted to watch for traffic.

She knew that she should return to Dromund Kaas being her mission for her Master was complete, but her own ambition and desires required that she check in with Crime Lord Josey Wales first.  She sent a message to Josey’s holo then went about checking the local news.

She scanned a couple of the holo-frequencies for news.  The news was much the same as it had been prior to her mission.  The peace was falling apart and war would soon be a focus for both Republic and Empire, this was the way it always was, light versus dark each trying to gain the upper hand, but neither really winning anything.  Light needed dark and dark needed light, it was about balance, though neither Sith nor did Jedi see this reality.  It was a perspective she had gained from the artifact.

She scanned the bounty frequency to see what hunts were on in the area and saw something strange.  She received confirmation of something she had overheard at another orbital station.  A Bounty Crew was missing their Captain.  This was strange in that typically when a Captain went missing they were presumed dead from the result of a bounty on their own heads.  This Crew was looking for information about their Captain.  They were offering a fine sum or credits for information.  They had even provided a signature to look for should the Captain prove dead.

A quick scan of the force on the planet returned a positive result related to the information.  The missing Captain had definitely been on the planet, and close to where Josey was supposed to be.  However, there was a large force shielded area also near the location.

“Handle our landing,” she instructed the droid.

“Yes Mistress,” the droid responded moving to the secondary control and sitting in the chair.

She stood and walked back to her cabin within the ship.  She looked into her wardrobe realizing that she had not changed since leaving the remote planet where the artifact had been found and suddenly feeling extremely dirty.  She changed into another set of robes.  These she had crafted with some of the new knowledge she now possessed.  It allowed her to increase the strength of the fabric without increasing the weight.  The color she had chosen was a contradiction to her nature, light.  She was re-binding her hair when the holo-terminal beeped.

“Mistress, Hutta Space Control has re-directed our landing,” the droid informed.

“To where do they send us,” she responded.

“To the orbital station, they say that transport is restricted to the planet,” the droid replied.

“Follow the instruction, the diversion could be fortunate,” she nodded to her reflection as she re-plated her long red hair.

Fortune could be found in many situations.  This could be another of these unfortunate diversions that could be turned to her favor.  Orbital stations could prove a valuable source of information.  There might be more to find out about the Bounty Hunter, the request from his crew had captured her attention and she intended to follow it through.  Her intercom chirped with an incoming message.

“Hi Josey,” she greeted, smiling warmly.  “How did the meeting go?”

“As well as we expected,” Josey responded.  “The settlement is as it was described, but further into self destruction than we had been led to believe.  They are ready for assistance of any sort.  Can you secure a channel to participate in an officer meeting?”

“Seems so,” she responded.  “We are secure now.”

“Good.  I’ll contact you just before we are to begin.” Josey instructed.  “Oh how was your mission?”

“For me it was successful, for the one that sent me it will be, less so,” she answered her voice gaining a dark dangerous edge.  “The information I received turned out to be leading me away from the true path.”

“Too bad, you had seemed very excited about the information,” Josey sympathized

“Oh found the right path and have received much for my efforts,” she stated.  “However, you know how much I enjoy those that waste my time and lie to me.  That one will learn soon of my displeasure.”

The one time that she had used her power in front of those who were not Sith Josey had been there.  She remembered, and smiled, at his reaction of initial revulsion, gradual excitement and finally desire to witness more of her ability to interrogate those who were reluctant to reveal information.

“Yes, I do remember,” Josey grinned.

“Did you know that there is a signal jam coming from the settlement?” she asked changing the subject.

“Signal jam, on incoming or outgoing signals?” Josey responded suddenly alert to a possible problem.

“Outgoing long range, they can signal short range, very short range, your camp has been set up just far enough away to allow for our communication,” she continued.  “I have found the source of the problem, but cannot repair it from here without destroying the settlement.  Apparently someone wanted the settlement to be unsuccessful.  Curious what they did to gain this type of sabotage.  It might hinder my ability to join you through holo.”

“I’m sure we will find out,” Josey shrugged filing away the question to be addressed at the next meeting. “Anything else you see from up there?”

“A large crater north of the settlement with some residual tech signatures of someone who has been missing for a year,” she responded.  “Possible that we might be able to help find a missing Bounty Hunter and claim a reward for this one’s safe return.  If he is still alive.”

“There was a bounty hunter there,” Josey frowned.  “Any name that I can be looking for specifically?”

“Killswitch, the clan that is looking for him is DTS Wolfpack,” she answered.  “Something I overheard at my last stop over, his crew will be returning to the planet within the next couple of cycles in hopes that he has turned up.”

“Possible allies should we return their leader?” Josey stated, asking a question without requiring an answer.

“Possible,” she agreed.

“Thank you for the information Sy’ryn, I will be in touch soon to connect you to the meeting,” Josey signed off distractedly.

Sy’ryn terminated the connection on her end.  She finished dealing with her hair and left her cabin.  The ship droid stood near the airlock waiting for further instructions.  She was about to give the instruction when the holo-terminal buzzed with an incoming message.  Sy’ryn checked the frequency and pushed her power further down.  She changed her appearance slightly and accessed the feed.

“Apprentice Sy’ryn, I have heard that you have returned from the outer rim,” Master Xovorian greeted warmly.

“I thank you Master,” she responded a slight smile playing on her lips.  “The mission was a challenge and I cannot report entire success.”

“Your report I will hear in person.  Return to Dromund Kaas immediately” Master Xovorian instructed.  “There is much that has occurred since you departed, much that must be shared.”

“My ship is undergoing repairs.  As soon as they are complete I will be able to travel to you,” Sy’ryn lied.

“See that I am the first you see,” Master Xovorian demanded.  “I would make sure that the news of changes comes to you untainted by others ambitions.”

Sy’ryn nodded as the feed stopped.  Master Xovorian’s ambition was not news to her.  She had known it the day he had taken her as an Initiate.  She was slightly surprised that he had taken action while she was absent.  However, the more she thought on the matter, the more she sensed that it had been opportunity that had driven his action.  His power was limited, but his ambition was endless, this if opportunity presented he would jump, even if it was ill-advised.

She removed some of the block from her power.  It was taxing to push it down and hide it for too long.  Here there was no need to do so, but also no need to show exactly how powerful she was.  No need to scare the general population without cause.

Sy’ryn had some time to kill and some information to gather before the meeting with the settlement.  She walked to the door of her ship and entered the airlock.

The space dock was stark and cold.  Typical of such a space, she walked through the connection airlock and accessed another door to enter the space dock itself.  The interior of the space dock was just as cold and stark as the airlock, but at least there were some people.

The Imperial security force was heavy in the dock.  Some were interrogating civilians who were trying to obtain passage away from the planet.  Sy’ryn let power radiate out from her and watched as a parent pulled her child behind her as Sy’ryn passed.  She pulled back the power; those who had information to share would find her.

There was not a formal cantina on the space dock, but there were a number of alcoves with benches in which people could wait for their shuttles to the planet or to Smugglers Moon.  Sy’ryn found and empty one and sat to wait.

She did not have to wait long before she felt an unexpected, but familiar energy approaching the alcove she had chosen.  She was pleased.  It had been too long since last she had seen him.  Far too long.

“So what brings you to these parts?” He asked leaning casually against the bulkhead at the entrance of the alcove.

“Ambition, intrigue and a little curiosity,” Sy’ryn responded.  “And what are you doing here agent?”

“It seems we have been out of touch too long,” he responded.  “Orders and a request.”

“Figured it would be work related,” Sy’ryn shrugged.  “What is the request?”

“Just a request,” he chuckled. “And what have you been up to?”

“Being an apprentice, running errands for my Master,” Sy’ryn stated.  “Sounds like you need to catch me up on some of the Imperial changes in the last little while, anything you can talk about here or should we find more appropriate quarters?”

“You don’t waste time do you?” he laughed.

“Why should I my dear husband?” Sy’ryn smiled flirtatiously, then seriously stated.  “Unless of course you have found my replacement that I must deal with first.”

“How could I ever replace you without fear for my own life?” he laughed, the sound booming off the durasteel walls.  “It is a request from some Syndicate Lord on Hutta.  You just happened to catch me before I could board the next shuttle to the surface.”

“And the name of this Crime Lord?” Sy’ryn pressed.  If there were more rivals to Josey Wales she would find out how strong they were.

“Not to be spoken where many ears could hear,” he quietly returned.

“You are not holding out on me, Zed,” Sy’ryn scowled, secrecy she liked, but only when she was keeping the secrets.

“I will gladly tell you, but not here,” Zed soothed stepping away from the bulkhead and approaching where Sy’ryn sat.  “It is part of the deal in our meeting.”

“You know…”

“Yes I do,” Zed cut her off.  “I have seen much of you and know what you can do, but I sense there is more now that you are not sharing.”

“I have been busy since we last saw each other,” Sy’ryn shrugged.  “My plans and ambitions are starting to align nicely.  I would tell you more, but in the privacy of my ship if you are game.”

Zed nodded taking Sy’ryn’s hand and pulling her to her feet.  He embraced her and leaned down for a kiss.  She rose up to meet him halfway.  It had been a long time since she had been with her love and it felt good to be held.  She broke their embrace and led him to the access hatch to where her ship was docked.

Zed let his hand trail down Sy’ryn’s back and across the top of her shapely bum.  He smiled. It had been a long time since he had seen her, even longer since he had held her.  When she had gone to the academy it had almost ended their relationship entirely.  It seemed to him that she was more than what she was the last time.

The doors opened with a swish and they walked into the airlock.  The door to Sy’ryn’s ship was open and waiting for them.  The ship droid stood just inside the doors.

“You still have that thing?” Zed asked.

“It hasn’t broken down yet, so I haven’t felt the need to discard it,” Sy’ryn responded with a shrug.  “It’s loyal and well not broken.”

Zed shrugged as they stepped into Sy’ryn’s ship.  Sy’ryn pushed the access panel to close the doors and entered a code to set the lock.  No need to be disturbed unnecessarily.  She grinned up at Zed who winked back.

“We are leaving the dock for a while.  Please find some secluded space for us to be in for the next few hours.” Sy’ryn instructed the droid.

“Yes Mistress,” it responded moving off towards the cockpit.

“Are you abducting me?” Zed smiled playfully.

“You can’t abduct someone who comes along willingly,” Sy’ryn laughed lightly.  “Things have changed, and I am not sure if I will be able to fully contain some of the change so I would prefer to be away from the general population.  My last mission was very enlightening.”

Zed walked over to one of the cushioned couches in the main bay of Sy’ryn’s ship and sat down.  He reclined and let his Imperial Agent guard down.  He had detected no one else aboard Sy’ryn’s ship so felt comfortable just to be with his wife.

“So tell me what has happened?  Your energy feels different,” Zed requested patting the seat next to him.

“It should.  I have gained much skill and power since last we were together,” Sy’ryn moved closer to the couch. “My last mission in particular allowed me to gain a lot of knowledge about the Sith and the dark side.  I even have learned a little about the war between the two and what it might create should one side or the other actually win.”

Zed listened as Sy’ryn recounted her experiences over the last couple of years.  Most of it was typical Sith politics and ambitions.  Which anyone in the Empire knew were ruthless and extreme.  When she started to explain her recent mission he stopped her.

“You had said something about your plans and ambitions coming into alignment,” Zed asked.  “Is this a result of the power you found?”

“Only in part.  The other is as a result of my alliance with a particular Crime Lord,” Sy’ryn responded.  “Someone I think you would enjoy meeting.”

“Okay, you have mentioned this Crime Lord a couple of times, which has me curious,” Zed frowned.  “Have you found your replacement for me?”

“Oh my dear husband.  How could you even think that?” Sy’ryn stroked Zed’s cheek her touch light with a spark of force.  “This is a business arrangement.  I have no interest in him other than in what he is trying to do.  It is needed and will support the Empire’s goals in the long run.”

“Who is this Crime Lord?” Zed asked his curiosity getting the better of him.

“Why none other than the one you are here to meet, Josey Wales,” Sy’ryn laughed.  “Did you think that I didn’t already know who the unspoken Syndicate Lord would be, he is the one that would need connections, and I recommended that he contact you.”

“Always looking for the next big thing aren’t you,” Zed chuckled.

“Always,” Sy’ryn purred.  “Now come we have limited time and much other catching up to do.”

Sy’ryn led Zed into her private chambers and locked the door.

Published by Sabrina J. Adams-Schlag (Syryn TheVoice)

I have many different hats that I wear. Throughout my life I have been many different things: a small business owner, problem solver, mother, friend, sister, writer, designer, employee, manager, consultant, gamer, leader and many more buzz words that I can't think of. Many of these I still do, but some I have let go to focus more on the here and now. I like to share my experiences, ideas and funny things I run across. Ask me something and I will provide an honest and likely unfiltered opinion. I am still learning about life, myself, relationships, parenting and well everything else. I am not superwoman and don't really have my life together, but I manage and am willing to share my tips and learnings. Writing for me can be cathartic and sharing makes us not feel so alone in this crazy, mess of a world we currently inhabit.

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