Summer Fun 2022

This summer we did a longer trip with more driving then we normally do in the summer. We had a few things that we had agreed to be at and a few things that we wanted and needed to do. The weather cooperated for much of the summer which was fantastic.

I had wanted to take the kids to Texas to meet Cory, but Passport delays nixed that plan. I still haven’t received Daven’s Passport though all of the documents were returned. Seth’s passport is still in progress as they didn’t process them together so I had to send in the same documents that I had thought could be used for both again. I hope to see both soon but likely won’t which is really weird as my in laws sent in ones for their kids and already have them back.

At the beginning of July the kids went to Gull Lake to spend some time with Grandma MaryAnne. While they were there I did another weekend trip to Texas to visit with Cory and meet his step-daughter. This was another fast trip but solidified so much for the both of us in where we were going with this relationship. It resulted in an engagement, and plans for the future.

The engagement was a surprise for most and even really for us. Being older most of us know what we are looking for in a mate, partner, or significant other. I do, and Cory checks all of those boxes and then somethings that I didn’t even know I was looking for or needed. We started to talk about plans on how to join our lives. I have always been adamant that I was not moving. The kids have a good support network as do I. I felt/feel very strongly in not moving them to start a life with someone elsewhere.

Here’s the thing, I am not starting a life, I am joining life paths. I already have a life, a path and a journey. As does Cory, but we were wanting to join our paths. Combine our lives and loves. We are both at a stage in life where we aren’t starting over, but adding to our current existence. I know we are starting new relationships, but it’s an addition to our everyday existence, an augment to our happiness.

Anyway – that is a topic for something else. This is about the summer and how things changed very rapidly.

The kids had a great time at the Lake and spend some of it actually on the beach when the weather cooperated. They built craft bird houses, which are beautiful, and enjoyed spending time with some of their cousins.

Later in July was the big trip. From Calgary to Fort St. John, BC (via Beaverlodge, AB) to High Level, AB and home again in two weeks.

We had committed to being at Dave’s cousin’s wedding on July 22, 2022 and am very glad we were all healthy enough to enjoy that time with additional family and cousins that we see once a year. The kids had a blast running around with them and swimming.

The wedding was beautiful and heart warming, but difficult at the same time. I found being there without my partner (past and present) very emotional. It was the first even that I had attended where I felt this way and was missing both my late husband and my new fiancé. It was a lovely time though and it was great to catch up with a few people that I don’t see regularly.

We then went to spend a week with my parents in High Level, AB. This meant skipping our normal camping trip, but it was a needed trip to help out with some things while my mom recovered from having knee replacement surgery in June. They had been building a green house and needed a bit of help putting down some fabric and a few other things that we were able to help with.

During our time away I continued to talk and plan with Cory. I have to say that life develops in a way, sometimes, to present you with options you never would have considered. It happened that Cory was able to come up to us sooner than we had originally discussed. We had talked about him coming up later in the year, closer to Christmas, but things worked out that he arrived in August just as we arrived home from up north.

It was a very welcome surprise to have this happen earlier than we had discussed and just made sense with the way things transpired after my July visit. This did make August go flying by with settling in with a new animal and person in the house. And while amazing we have had our challenges. Normal things that you forget happen when you integrate households.

Our summer was full and fun. We had lots of swimming and outside time. The kids got to bond a bit more with Cory which made starting school easier for everyone.

Published by Sabrina J. Adams-Schlag (Syryn TheVoice)

I have many different hats that I wear. Throughout my life I have been many different things: a small business owner, problem solver, mother, friend, sister, writer, designer, employee, manager, consultant, gamer, leader and many more buzz words that I can't think of. Many of these I still do, but some I have let go to focus more on the here and now. I like to share my experiences, ideas and funny things I run across. Ask me something and I will provide an honest and likely unfiltered opinion. I am still learning about life, myself, relationships, parenting and well everything else. I am not superwoman and don't really have my life together, but I manage and am willing to share my tips and learnings. Writing for me can be cathartic and sharing makes us not feel so alone in this crazy, mess of a world we currently inhabit.

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