Catching Up

It’s been almost a year since I last posted anything related to anything, which I hadn’t quite realized. Maybe it’s because I updated a couple of sections of the blog pages to include more picture related documentation of our adventures. Maybe it’s because I haven’t felt there was much to write about or maybe I find writingContinue reading “Catching Up”

What has happened to our society?

I am beginning to think that as we get older we get more stupid as it relates to other people.  Or maybe it is just less tolerant of different ideas. Or we forget everything that we were taught as children because now we are adults and can make our own stupid decisions. Maybe not more stupid, but more inwardlyContinue reading “What has happened to our society?”

Diablo 4: Class Reviews – Ones I played

So during the Early Access beta and Open Beta I was able to try out a few of the classes that will be available during launch. I almost always will end up with a sorcerer(ess) class as I gravitate to ranged classes for my play style. Ranged and mobility are what I really enjoy, soContinue reading “Diablo 4: Class Reviews – Ones I played”

Early Access Beta: Diablo IV Review

March 17 through 19 saw an early access beta for Diablo IV being launched in June 2023. This review is my non-technical, average gamer review. I am not a professional, and not a hard-core gamer. I am a casual, lets have fun and see what we see kind of gamer. Here is my early accessContinue reading “Early Access Beta: Diablo IV Review”

Birthdays & Valentines

Things are settling into a routine that I am finding very comforting. Sometimes you don’t realize the amount of stress that you carry to get everything done until someone else takes over some of the things that need to be done. Of course what has been taken over are the tasks that I really don’tContinue reading “Birthdays & Valentines”

Returning to WoW

I never expected that I would re-load a game I hadn’t touched in over 15 years. I never expected that I would enjoy it just as much now as I did when I was getting into MMOs as it was my first. But then again, first loves and all that. Quite a number of yearsContinue reading “Returning to WoW”

Excitement & More Change

I posted a something on Facebook recently stating “I used to run and hide from change, now I chase it down and clobber it into submission”. It is what I feel like now. I did used to hide from change, I didn’t want change, didn’t see the need. I did see the need for growth,Continue reading “Excitement & More Change”

Lost Ark – Review

This game is something that is very fun until you hit the gates. Honing equipment becomes a block to being able to get into the dungeons and raids that help you progress to what can be considered end game content. This means that if you are behind your friends, you are about to commit toContinue reading “Lost Ark – Review”

New World – Review

I had a really hard time getting into this one. In fact, only played it until I had a max character and didn’t get into the PvP or Faction War stuff at all. I just couldn’t get motivated to play. I don’t know if it was that I was so far behind the leveling curveContinue reading “New World – Review”

Summer Fun 2022

This summer we did a longer trip with more driving then we normally do in the summer. We had a few things that we had agreed to be at and a few things that we wanted and needed to do. The weather cooperated for much of the summer which was fantastic. I had wanted toContinue reading “Summer Fun 2022”