The passing of a relative

I have been avoiding writing about last week.  My step-grandfather passed away and I have had very mixed feelings on the subject and funeral. The funeral was one of the strangest experiences I have had for a funeral, not that I have gone to that many.  It may have been that I was removed fromContinue reading “The passing of a relative”

Expecting & Freaking Out? It’s okay

Okay I am not expecting at this time.  However, I do have a two year old, and a number of people around me that are expecting their first child. Many first time parents go through the excitement of being parents only to come crashing down into the panic of “I can’t do this”, “How amContinue reading “Expecting & Freaking Out? It’s okay”

Label Yourself First

Before you apply any label to any person check it against yourself first.  Especially if the label is more negative than positive. Labels cause numerous problems in life.  We are given one from the day we are born and it relates to our sex.  Male or female.  It is a label that holds certain expectationsContinue reading “Label Yourself First”

How do you communicate?

Communicating requires all of the senses. When we think of communication we primarily think of speech.  While this is the primary method we use to express ourselves, there are many facets that affect how our messages are getting interpreted by those receiving them. I am a hand talker. I constantly use gestures to emphasize whatContinue reading “How do you communicate?”

WHOOT The Boat runs!

We have been trying to get our boat on the lake all summer.  One thing after another kept getting in the way of this happening. Battery needed to be replaced Other plans Vacation Replaced other broken parts Well we finally put it into the water on August 18 in the later afternoon.  It was aContinue reading “WHOOT The Boat runs!”

August Long-long-Weekend

Well we had a great vacation…so much so I forgot to take pictures. I had intended on giving a picture blog from our trip up into Northern Alberta, but sadly my camera didn’t really leave it’s bag and my phone stayed in the truck turned off for much of the trip.  Yes, I went withoutContinue reading “August Long-long-Weekend”

Our Summer so far!

It is July 18, 2012 and summer is quickly going by.  I am taking a course at the University of Calgary which is eating my Saturdays.  Daxen is growing and Dave is working hard. We have had a number of weekends at the lake and visiting with family so far this summer and have beenContinue reading “Our Summer so far!”

Opening a Blog for our Family

I have decided to open a blog for our family.  I am doing this to keep in touch with those of you I don’t talk to often, and to update everyone at once, rather than emailing everyone separately or calling you all!    So as you all know Dave and I had a little boyContinue reading “Opening a Blog for our Family”

Welcoming the life you spend 9 months growing

One of the most stressful experiences that I have experienced to date is the waiting to meet your little bundle of (insert your word here).  My experience wasn’t any different from most parents, mothers, in relation to the pain and being absolutely freaked right out nature of child birth.  However, I need to give propsContinue reading “Welcoming the life you spend 9 months growing”