New Relationships

There are so many times that I have met people who aren’t truly happy. They pretend but don’t really seem to find what they hope and search for. I am a watcher. I see strange things in relationships between those around me who seem to be in very loving relationships. So many wear the maskContinue reading “New Relationships”

End of School and into Summer

Another first we got to experience without a loved one occurred in June. Daxen’s grade 6 farewell or graduation. At no point in our lives do we expect to reach milestones with our Children without one parent. Not really anyway. Some make that choice, but we didn’t get to choose. Not that we are inContinue reading “End of School and into Summer”

Chapter Nine: Kinsie

As Kinsie entered the Cantina she realized that she was being followed.  She smiled, in this small of a settlement it was hard to go unnoticed.  The Bounty Hunter was no exception.  Kinsie moved into the cantina greeting a few of the bikers as she passed tables.  No need for secrecy anymore.  Information was obviouslyContinue reading “Chapter Nine: Kinsie”

Chapter Eight: Sy'ryn

“Mistress, we are going to be coming out of hyperspace,” the ships droid interrupted her meditations. “Thank you,” she growled. She had been successful in completing the mission that her Master had given her, but the success was not as she had envisioned it, and she suspected not what her Master would expect either.  TheContinue reading “Chapter Eight: Sy'ryn”

Chapter Seven: Payne

Another cold day.  His current employer had sent him on what was beginning to feel like a wild goose chase.  He was to find their daughter who had run off with some smuggler who had charmed her.  The last known location had been here in this particular Cantina.  The smuggler was known for delivering foodContinue reading “Chapter Seven: Payne”

Reflections and Revelations?

Have you ever thought that you had everything you could have ever wanted? That life couldn’t be any more perfect? That you were with the person you were meant to be with? I did. While there were challenges, things were good. I was happy. And then things weren’t so good, the person I thought wasContinue reading “Reflections and Revelations?”

Avoiding Feelings

I have been avoiding writing because I have been so conflicted these last few months, that and I don’t know that I really had anything to say about this journey. And apparently I have a lot to update on. January and February were hard months and yet, they brought some much needed distractions, people comingContinue reading “Avoiding Feelings”

Our 1st Christmas

Our First Christmas has passed since Dave passed away. It was filled with laughter, joy and a little sadness. I keep wondering where I pull my strength from, how I can move forward without feeling lost in pain and sadness. Maybe it’s just who I am and that I don’t get lost in those feelings.Continue reading “Our 1st Christmas”

Preparing for the Winter Holidays

Every year you prepare for the holidays. Purchasing gifts, making plans to spend time with family and friends. This is the cycle that we live due to holidays that we celebrate. It doesn’t change with the loss of a loved one. It doesn’t change even though you are not sure you can think about beingContinue reading “Preparing for the Winter Holidays”