Kids back to something normal

On September 1, 2021 the kids started back at school, in person. They are very happy to be back among friends and being in a physical school. This also makes me happy as I don’t have to fight with them every day to do their schoolwork and focus on what needs to be done relatedContinue reading “Kids back to something normal”

Communication only Makes Your Relationships Stronger

A few days ago I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman while we were travelling. I learned alot about him in a very short amount of time. He was separated and somewhat bitter about being asked to move out. He had two twin daughters who were a few years older than my kids. HeContinue reading “Communication only Makes Your Relationships Stronger”

Beaverlodge Summer Trip 2021

This is the first big trip that we have taken as a family both since Dave passed and for about a year. It has it’s moments where it doesn’t feel real that Dave is gone. Even though he is not physically here. To start our trip we went to Edmonton and stayed over night inContinue reading “Beaverlodge Summer Trip 2021”

Grief…Life…The Continued Experience

It’s been 7 weeks since Dave passed away and while talking about him dying is getting easier, the living without him is getting harder. I knew that I would hit this stage at some point and looking back of the last month and a half I realize that I have been numb and just movingContinue reading “Grief…Life…The Continued Experience”

In Memory of David Adams

David (Dave) Leslie Adams was born on January 17, 1980 in Calgary to MaryAnne (Stotz) and Leslie (Les) Adams. He grew up in Okotoks before moving to Calgary after he completed high school. During his early years he enjoyed getting into trouble with his brother, Mark, and spending time outdoors camping, skiing and playing football.Continue reading “In Memory of David Adams”

The End of the Road

Dave’s Brain Cancer Journey ended on April 28, 2021 at around 8:35 pm. It’s been a rough road, full of bumps, detours, rough patches, potholes, and any other obstacle you can imagine put into our path. We knew in January where we would end up, but still hoped for a miracle. That miracle came inContinue reading “The End of the Road”

Transitions – Closer to the End

I have a heavy heart this week. It’s been hard to live in a state of grief for so very long. We have grieved Dave’s loss of movement in stages. We grieved his loss of speech. We have grieved when we found out that he had brain cancer, and grieved so much more. It isContinue reading “Transitions – Closer to the End”

Chapter Six: Josey Wales

They rode out the same way they had come in.  There was no need to keep their location a secret.  If anyone wanted to approach the bikers camp they could, but it seemed unlikely.  He watched Kinsie peel off and head back around the settlement on her mission and smiled.  The pieces were starting toContinue reading “Chapter Six: Josey Wales”