Chapter One: Crime Lord – The Beginning

Crime Lord – The beginning He stood at the top of a dune and looked down at the pathetic settlement below.  This was the place that he had been directed to.  The settlement was pathetically small, out of the way, and it looked like the locals had not seen anything of the war or evenContinue reading “Chapter One: Crime Lord – The Beginning”

Chapter Three: The Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter watched the patrons of the Cantina from a dark booth by the door. It was what he did every day since the incident. The incident, he clenched his fist. The only reason he was still here and had been here for almost a year. Most days he was able to drown theContinue reading “Chapter Three: The Bounty Hunter”

Untitled Novel Chapter 4

Lenora went into the sitting room and sat at the desk.  Out of the drawer she took paper and a pen.  she drafted two letters, one to Marc and one to Serena.  As she did this she thought of her own mother and the letter she had received at the age of 16 which hadContinue reading “Untitled Novel Chapter 4”

Untitled Novel Chapter 3

Serena lay in the middle of the large bed sunk deep into the blankets and laughed.  She just couldn’t seem to stop.  She turned to watch her mother walk into the room with a puzzled look on her face and laughed even harder.  Lenora had no idea what was so funny, but soon found herselfContinue reading “Untitled Novel Chapter 3”

What We Take For Granted (Written May 10, 1995)

The sand is warm and soft between her toesThe bright sun warm upon her upturned faceShe has a secret which no one knowsAnd so smiles brightly into a darkened space She begins to walk down the beachShe steps carefully following the soundsSlowly her feet the water reachWhere upon the shore the wave pounds The sunContinue reading “What We Take For Granted (Written May 10, 1995)”

Chapter Seven: Payne

Another cold day.  His current employer had sent him on what was beginning to feel like a wild goose chase.  He was to find their daughter who had run off with some smuggler who had charmed her.  The last known location had been here in this particular Cantina.  The smuggler was known for delivering foodContinue reading “Chapter Seven: Payne”