What has happened to our society?

I am beginning to think that as we get older we get more stupid as it relates to other people.  Or maybe it is just less tolerant of different ideas. Or we forget everything that we were taught as children because now we are adults and can make our own stupid decisions. Maybe not more stupid, but more inwardlyContinue reading “What has happened to our society?”

Excitement & More Change

I posted a something on Facebook recently stating “I used to run and hide from change, now I chase it down and clobber it into submission”. It is what I feel like now. I did used to hide from change, I didn’t want change, didn’t see the need. I did see the need for growth,Continue reading “Excitement & More Change”

Lost Ark – Review

This game is something that is very fun until you hit the gates. Honing equipment becomes a block to being able to get into the dungeons and raids that help you progress to what can be considered end game content. This means that if you are behind your friends, you are about to commit toContinue reading “Lost Ark – Review”

Summer Fun 2022

This summer we did a longer trip with more driving then we normally do in the summer. We had a few things that we had agreed to be at and a few things that we wanted and needed to do. The weather cooperated for much of the summer which was fantastic. I had wanted toContinue reading “Summer Fun 2022”

New Relationships

There are so many times that I have met people who aren’t truly happy. They pretend but don’t really seem to find what they hope and search for. I am a watcher. I see strange things in relationships between those around me who seem to be in very loving relationships. So many wear the maskContinue reading “New Relationships”

End of School and into Summer

Another first we got to experience without a loved one occurred in June. Daxen’s grade 6 farewell or graduation. At no point in our lives do we expect to reach milestones with our Children without one parent. Not really anyway. Some make that choice, but we didn’t get to choose. Not that we are inContinue reading “End of School and into Summer”

Chapter Eight: Sy'ryn

“Mistress, we are going to be coming out of hyperspace,” the ships droid interrupted her meditations. “Thank you,” she growled. She had been successful in completing the mission that her Master had given her, but the success was not as she had envisioned it, and she suspected not what her Master would expect either.  TheContinue reading “Chapter Eight: Sy'ryn”

Chapter Six: Josey Wales

They rode out the same way they had come in.  There was no need to keep their location a secret.  If anyone wanted to approach the bikers camp they could, but it seemed unlikely.  He watched Kinsie peel off and head back around the settlement on her mission and smiled.  The pieces were starting toContinue reading “Chapter Six: Josey Wales”

Chapter Three: The Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter watched the patrons of the Cantina from a dark booth by the door. It was what he did every day since the incident. The incident, he clenched his fist. The only reason he was still here and had been here for almost a year. Most days he was able to drown theContinue reading “Chapter Three: The Bounty Hunter”