Finished Chemo, for now – 10 months of our Journey

It’s been 10 months since the start of the chaos that is the Brain Cancer Journey and the last month has been exceptionally hard. I can completely understand now why relationships collapse as part of the cancer journey, oh we are fine, but there are times…which lead to very emotional conversations. It’s exceptionally hard toContinue reading “Finished Chemo, for now – 10 months of our Journey”

Daxen Needs Glasses – So A Hunting We Will Go

So this year Dax needed to get glasses.  I didn’t realize the challenge of finding a pair that would fit his face properly.  It took us three days to finally find a pair that I was happy with and he was comfortable in, which happened to be the very first pair we tried on –Continue reading “Daxen Needs Glasses – So A Hunting We Will Go”

Dax Skylander Birthday

I am having a hard time believing that Dax turned 5 on May 10.  Soon he is going to school.  Time certainly has flown by. He requested a Skylander birthday party…which we were able to create for him including a wonderful cake made by Tita Levy. It was a gorgeous day, so the kids playedContinue reading “Dax Skylander Birthday”

Gord & Mary Anne’s Surprise 60th Birthday

Gord and Mary Anne turned 60 this year.  Their birthdays are about a month apart so the kids decided to throw a surprise party for them, inviting friends and family.  We were successful in keeping it a secret! The kids helped us pick up the last of the party supplies and everyone brought food.  ItContinue reading “Gord & Mary Anne’s Surprise 60th Birthday”

Seth 1st Birthday

Seth turned one on March 22, 2015.  We went out to the Lake to celebrate.  It snowed heavily that day.  Seth wasn’t happy about the clapping and really didn’t care for ice cream.  But loved the carrot cake muffins we used for his birthday cake.  He didn’t want to grab the muffin, but did wantContinue reading “Seth 1st Birthday”