Zoo Lights 2014

It was a chilly night, but still they had fun.  This was Dax’s first experience with Zoo Lights and I think he expected there to be more things to do and more things to play with.  Not so much just looking at the lights.  Seth was too little to care much, but did stay awakeContinue reading “Zoo Lights 2014”

Family Vacation July 2014

The kids and I went on a road trip with my parents this summer.  We spent a few days at Gull Lake   Then we were off to Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan for a family reunion.  We saw a lot of family and Dax made some new friends, especially the little girls.  The location was niceContinue reading “Family Vacation July 2014”

Daxen’s Fourth Birthday

For Daxen’s fourth birthday we went to the Lake.  There was a treasure hunt and then cake and presents.  The weather cooperated somewhat as the morning was nice and the afternoon had some periods of sunshine. Dax loved the entire thing.  He was amazed by the cake which was made by his Uncle Mark andContinue reading “Daxen’s Fourth Birthday”