Stampede 2013

This was the first year that we took Daxen to the Stampede.  I am glad we waited as he wouldn’t have been tall enough for the rides in previous years. We went down on Friday afternoon, which was surprisingly not that busy.  Though time just seemed to fly by and it was 5:30 when weContinue reading “Stampede 2013”

July 1 Long Weekend

We spent the July 1 long weekend at the Cabin in Caroline, AB.  It was a great weekend.  Warm, but not too hot.  And other than the downpour on Saturday it didn’t rain. Our tent held up wonderfully in the deluge.  When we pulled it down there were two puddles between the tent and theContinue reading “July 1 Long Weekend”

The passing of a relative

I have been avoiding writing about last week.  My step-grandfather passed away and I have had very mixed feelings on the subject and funeral. The funeral was one of the strangest experiences I have had for a funeral, not that I have gone to that many.  It may have been that I was removed fromContinue reading “The passing of a relative”

Expecting & Freaking Out? It’s okay

Okay I am not expecting at this time.  However, I do have a two year old, and a number of people around me that are expecting their first child. Many first time parents go through the excitement of being parents only to come crashing down into the panic of “I can’t do this”, “How amContinue reading “Expecting & Freaking Out? It’s okay”

Opening a Blog for our Family

I have decided to open a blog for our family.  I am doing this to keep in touch with those of you I don’t talk to often, and to update everyone at once, rather than emailing everyone separately or calling you all!    So as you all know Dave and I had a little boyContinue reading “Opening a Blog for our Family”