Diablo 4: Class Reviews – Ones I played

So during the Early Access beta and Open Beta I was able to try out a few of the classes that will be available during launch. I almost always will end up with a sorcerer(ess) class as I gravitate to ranged classes for my play style. Ranged and mobility are what I really enjoy, soContinue reading “Diablo 4: Class Reviews – Ones I played”

Early Access Beta: Diablo IV Review

March 17 through 19 saw an early access beta for Diablo IV being launched in June 2023. This review is my non-technical, average gamer review. I am not a professional, and not a hard-core gamer. I am a casual, lets have fun and see what we see kind of gamer. Here is my early accessContinue reading “Early Access Beta: Diablo IV Review”