Catching Up

It’s been almost a year since I last posted anything related to anything, which I hadn’t quite realized. Maybe it’s because I updated a couple of sections of the blog pages to include more picture related documentation of our adventures. Maybe it’s because I haven’t felt there was much to write about or maybe I find writingContinue reading “Catching Up”

Halloween 2013

For the first time we left our gate open for Halloween.  The largest deterrent to us getting trick or treaters is the gate which you need to come through to get to our front door, but this year we propped it open.  They started coming at around 6pm and continued until about 7:45pm.  Most wereContinue reading “Halloween 2013”

Stampede 2013

This was the first year that we took Daxen to the Stampede.  I am glad we waited as he wouldn’t have been tall enough for the rides in previous years. We went down on Friday afternoon, which was surprisingly not that busy.  Though time just seemed to fly by and it was 5:30 when weContinue reading “Stampede 2013”