Summer Fun 2022

This summer we did a longer trip with more driving then we normally do in the summer. We had a few things that we had agreed to be at and a few things that we wanted and needed to do. The weather cooperated for much of the summer which was fantastic. I had wanted toContinue reading “Summer Fun 2022”

New Relationships

There are so many times that I have met people who aren’t truly happy. They pretend but don’t really seem to find what they hope and search for. I am a watcher. I see strange things in relationships between those around me who seem to be in very loving relationships. So many wear the maskContinue reading “New Relationships”

Reflections and Revelations?

Have you ever thought that you had everything you could have ever wanted? That life couldn’t be any more perfect? That you were with the person you were meant to be with? I did. While there were challenges, things were good. I was happy. And then things weren’t so good, the person I thought wasContinue reading “Reflections and Revelations?”

Avoiding Feelings

I have been avoiding writing because I have been so conflicted these last few months, that and I don’t know that I really had anything to say about this journey. And apparently I have a lot to update on. January and February were hard months and yet, they brought some much needed distractions, people comingContinue reading “Avoiding Feelings”