Summer Fun 2022

This summer we did a longer trip with more driving then we normally do in the summer. We had a few things that we had agreed to be at and a few things that we wanted and needed to do. The weather cooperated for much of the summer which was fantastic. I had wanted toContinue reading “Summer Fun 2022”

WHOOT The Boat runs!

We have been trying to get our boat on the lake all summer.  One thing after another kept getting in the way of this happening. Battery needed to be replaced Other plans Vacation Replaced other broken parts Well we finally put it into the water on August 18 in the later afternoon.  It was aContinue reading “WHOOT The Boat runs!”

Our Summer so far!

It is July 18, 2012 and summer is quickly going by.  I am taking a course at the University of Calgary which is eating my Saturdays.  Daxen is growing and Dave is working hard. We have had a number of weekends at the lake and visiting with family so far this summer and have beenContinue reading “Our Summer so far!”